Draw Your Way To Freedom

Discover the 6 Ways to Feel Fully While Drawing

Have you been procrastinating, doubting your decisions or feeling disconnected from your true self? Do you want to build Trust and begin expressing yourself fully?

You're not alone, and it's time to change that. Explore how simple drawing techniques can help you break free from these constraints and live a life full of intuition and spontaneity.


Draw To Feel Your Emotions - Get Access Now

Hey, I'm MAX

a course creator who helps people stuck in indecision, doubt, procrastination, or disconnection. I guide those struggling with overthinking to tap into their intuition, embrace discomfort, and take action without overplanning. In my courses, I teach how to feel and express emotions through drawing, embrace imperfection and playfully create to unleash raw creativity. I help students explore whether they’re freely expressing themselves or trying to control the process, lean into discomfort, take creative risks, and find inspiration in their surroundings. I'm here to help you break free and live your life with more spontaneity and less overthinking.


Max Mortiboys
Watsapp +447786070094

Signal: +50671756013

Email: [email protected]

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